Services We Provide



This includes oral exams, cleanings, and routine x-rays. Essentially: what most people come in for every six months. Preventive dental care keeps your teeth healthy and strong, keeping them from causing other health issues later on.


Zoom! Whitening

Sit back, relax, and let us do the teeth whitening for you! We can get you up to eight shades whiter. Yes, really. And with minimal sensitivity, to boot! (Note: A combination of in-office and at-home whitening is recommended).

Root Canal Therapy

Cleans out any infection inside the root of your teeth.



These services include bonding, veneers, crowns, shaping, bridges, and dentures. Chipped a tooth? Need to replace or change the appearance of a few teeth? Cosmetic dentistry serves to drastically change your smile for the better!


Take-Home Bleaching

Want to take your teeth whitening into your own hands? That’s fine, too! We can make you custom trays so that you can find the perfect shade for your smile at home. (Note: A combination of in-office and at-home whitening is recommended).

Night and Sleep Guards

Keep your teeth from grinding while you sleep and reduce snoring with custom-made mouth guards. Save your teeth and maintain a good night’s sleep for you and any bedfellows.



Clear, removable braces that allow you to eat what you want without worrying about food getting stuck, all while flossing and brushing as you usually would. Meanwhile your teeth slowly move back into place!



Sometimes teeth need to be replaced. These things happen. But we can give you a full, beautiful smile again that stays in place just as any other tooth would. You’ll be grinning wide again in no time!


We’ve all done it: missed a spot while flossing, ate too many sweets, or picked up bad habits. This can lead to the erosion of tooth enamel, which can be sore or painful. Fillings replace what’s been lost, keeping the pulp and nerves of the teeth safe.